Talking Shadows and other stuff

Just a quick update on what I’ve been up to – or, more accurately, who I’ve been talking to.

Last Thursday morning, I got to hang out with around 100 year sevens at Redland Bay State School as part of their Book Week celebrations.

The school offered me my first official gig as an author this time last year (as a newly contracted local author), so it was nice to return to the school and chat about writing, how to structure a story, and what it’s like to be a published author. (And yes, just like last year, I shied away from plugging Shadows, given it’s really not appropriate for that age bracket).

The kids – again – were a great audience, asking really good questions and generally seeming interested. So thanks to them and the school for having me (and Mr Weller for setting it up).

Thanks to Jenny Doyle (left) and Wendy Grace for coming along to Victoria Point Library and buying copies of Shadows. (Photo by Melissa Gibson, Bayside Bulletin)

Then on Thursday night, I had my first Author in Action event. It was at my local library (Victoria Point), hosted by Victoria Point Angus & Robertson. I spoke for half an hour about Shadows and my journey to a publishing contract, took some excellent questions from the audience, signed some books (with my nifty new feather stamp from Paper Sushi – see pic below), and met some lovely people. Angus & Robertson sold quite a few copies of Shadows on the night, which was great!

I even did my first public reading from Shadows (Thanks Lee McGowan for convincing me not to wimp out and let someone else do it).

Thanks to everyone who turned up for that one – and of course to Kim English at Victoria Point Library and Stephanie and Kevin Walkem from Victoria Point A&R for making it possible.

On Saturday, I had my first writers’ panel experience at Logan North Library’s Sci Fi and Fantasy month Finale.  I got to chat with Marianne de Pierres,Trent Jamieson, Rowena Corny Danniells and Kev Webb about plot and characterisation. (Unfortunately Anita Webb was unable to join us – I hope you’re on the mend Anita). It was a lot of fun. Definitely my favourite format for public speaking.

Loving my groovy new feather stamp from Paper Sushi. I use it to make my very plain signature look more exotic when signing books.

As well as enjoying hanging out with these writers (and taking interesting questions from the audience), I also got meet and chat with one of my favourite bloggers, Nomes from Inkcrush. Nomes wrote a great post about the Finale and the author panel, so if you want to know more about both, check it out here.

Thanks to Logan North Library for the chance to be involved in this wonderful event, Marianne for very efficiently moderating the panel (and suggesting for me to participate) and the entire panel for  making me feel so welcome.

Confession: I was nervous before all of these events. Yes, I’m an extrovert, but that doesn’t automatically mean I’m a confident public speaker. But in the end, I came away smiling and glad I participated in all of them.

I’ve got some in-store events coming up in October, so I’ll post the details of those when they get closer.


  1. Nomes says:

    oh man, i starred this in my reader to come back and comment and only just got around to opening my reader today…

    i had SUCH a great time at the logan event and afterwards. it is definitely a highlight for my time up here so far.

    x Nomes

  2. Sounds like a lot of fun! I imagine these things must always be a little nerve-racking at first. 🙂 I love the new stamp, by the way! 😉

    1. paulaweston says:

      Thanks Sam! It’s a hand-made creation from Germany that I found on It’s so sweet. (And yes, public speaking is scary, but apparently I’m good at faking confidence. Ha!)

  3. Fran says:

    The panel on Saturday was great, Paula, and you didn’t appear at all nervous. Mistress of Cool! I took away some good ideas.

    1. paulaweston says:

      Thanks Fran. 🙂 There was a lot of writing knowledge on that panel!

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About Me

I’m the author of the Rephaim series and The Undercurrent.

For my day job, I’m a writer-journalist-professional communicator, where my writing involves a lot less profanity.

I grew up in regional South Australia and now live in the Scenic Rim with my husband and a retired greyhound.

If you’re interested in how I came to land a publishing deal, you can read the short version in this post from August 2011. There’s a longer version (in a guest post) here.

Paula Weston

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