What I’ve been reading

It’s been a while since I’ve posted about what I’ve been reading, so I thought I’d rectify that.

I’ve managed to squeeze in a bit of recreational reading in between line edits for Shimmer (less than three months until release!) and progressing further on the first draft of Burn.

Here are my favourites from the past few months. It’s an eclectic bunch. Click on the cover to  read my thoughts on Goodreads (some recommendations are more comprehensive than others!).

Burial RitesBitter Wash RoadImpossible KnifeShe is not invisible

AllegiantThese Broken Stars5th Wave

Siege and StormPeacemakerDisapearance of Ember CrowColdest girl


What have you guys been reading and loving lately?


  1. tandielion says:

    It’s interesting to see what books you read & enjoy. I got a bit distracted by your mention of shimmer (rubs hands together anxiously.) I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise that you like to read similar style YA that you write. I’m a fan 🙂

    1. paulaweston says:

      Thanks Tandielion (such a cool name!).
      And I just checked out your blog. Loved the ‘Gallstones and Other Distractions’ post. 🙂

      1. tandielion says:

        Thank you! Gallbladder is gone, removed last week – so no more of that nonsense 🙂

        1. paulaweston says:

          Hope you recover quickly. 🙂

  2. Rebecca Cram says:

    Ahh, the wonderful world of novels, I remember it with much fondness! With a bit of organisation on my part, I am hoping to get a few books under my belt during the upcoming school holidays. A couple from your suggestions: ‘Burial Rites’ and ‘She is not Invisible’ (sounds like I might be able to read this one with the girls). A bit late joining the band wagon, but hope to get to ‘Divergent’ and discover the world that has taken our world by storm! Finally, I read ‘The Demon’s Lexicon’ by Sarah Rees Brennan in January and am looking forward to book 2 in this trilogy: ‘The Demon’s Covenant’. Have just finished ‘The Hobbit’ with the girls – thoroughly enjoyed reading this book out loud, and even having a go at putting tunes to the songs and ditties throughout (I seem to recall glossing over them when I read it to myself many years ago!). Not quite in the novel department, but must share the fun one of my primary classes has been having this term with mythology of ancient gods and goddesses. Starting back with a look at the Winter Olympics, we moved onto the Ancient Greek Olympics, to a look at the Greek and Roman gods (and how our planets and many things around us are named after them). On to Norse gods and how many of our days of the week are also named after them. When the kids discovered that Marvel Comics’ Thor was a Norse god they couldn’t get enough! I found a hilarious Arbuthnot Anthology short story version of how Thor and Loki stole back Thor’s hammer from the Ice Giants by dressing up as a bride and bridesmaid. We have had a ball exploring all the characters, and comparing the comic book characters to the mythological gods.

    1. paulaweston says:

      Thor and Loki as bride and bridesmaid – love it!!! Sounds like a lot of fun. Your class rocks.

      Hope you get time to read more novels soon – look forward to those discussions when you do. (I haven’t read Demon’s Lexicon but will add to the list!)

  3. speculatef says:

    Ahhh! SO much awesome in one post 🙂

    The Dream Thieves. *sigh*. Thank goodness there are two more books left in the series, I’m no where near ready to leave Blue and the gang anytime soon.

    AND you loved These Broken Stars too 🙂 I’m like, the biggest fan-girl for that book hahah. Bring on This Shattered World I say.

    Our only point of disagreement is The 5th Wave. I’m the black sheep in that I had a good whinge about many aspects of it and everyone else seems to have loved the book for exactly the same reasons I didn’t!

    😀 Isn’t Siege and Storm great? I disliked how the romantic element played out, but only slightly. I was able to forgive it in the end. Not long now until Ruin and Rising!

    I am yet to read Peacemaker, but I love de Pierres’ books so I’d be surprised if I didn’t like it. I also haven’t read Burial Rights, but I really want to!

    *happy dancing* And of course, Stormdancer. I highly recommend the short story, The Last Stormdancer, as well as the sequel!

    SO basically, I love that you loved all the books that I loved. <3 Yay books 😀

    1. paulaweston says:

      Yes, so many good books! And so many more still to read…

      I must confess, your love for These Broken Stars certainly put that book on my radar.

      And I definitely recommend Burial Rites. Very different from the other books in this post, but such a masterful piece of fiction.

      Hanging out now to read Laini Taylor’s Dreams of Gods and Monsters. 🙂

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About Me

I’m the author of the Rephaim series and The Undercurrent.

For my day job, I’m a writer-journalist-professional communicator, where my writing involves a lot less profanity.

I grew up in regional South Australia and now live in the Scenic Rim with my husband and a retired greyhound.

If you’re interested in how I came to land a publishing deal, you can read the short version in this post from August 2011. There’s a longer version (in a guest post) here.

Paula Weston

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