My first ‘best of’ list on Shepherd

Have you heard of

It’s a platform where authors provide book recommendations for readers who like their work.

It’s a bit of a ‘If you like this book of mine, you might like these books’ approach, but there’s a twist. As writers, we need identity what element of our book readers enjoy, and recommend books that offer a similar experience. And we’re encouraged to have a bit of fun with it.

So, my first list is for readers of my last book, The Undercurrent and focuses on stories set in an ‘alternate’ Australia:

Here’s the link (or just click the image above).

Shepherd is 100% book recommendations. You can understand why that appeals to me as a I writer. 🙂

Thank you to Maree Kimberley for introducing me to when she kindly recommended The Undercurrent in her ‘The best girl power young adult sci-fi/fantasy books‘ list.

Another of those quick updates

I know…it’s been a long time between posts.

My life has been its usual craziness between my day job and working on the new book, but I thought I’d give a quick update on a couple of things.

Firstly, the new book…
My publisher, Michael Heyward at Text Publishing, gave it a lovely mention in a recent edition of Bookseller & Publisher, so I can now tell you it’s called The Undercurrent and it will be release in August 2017. As I’ve said before, it’s a totally new story set in a near-future Australia and is a stand-alone novel.

In other news, the Turkish translation of Burn is available, with a stunning cover design. Here are all four books in the series (in order):
10915288_919531344747805_6540803074086022022_n Haze_Turkish cover Turkish Shimmerburn-turkish-cover

My favourite reads this year include (click on each for my thoughts on Goodreads):

jaclyn cath-crowley kirsty chris-currie melina

I’ve also been lucky enough to read a draft of Vikki Wakefield’s new suspense novel Ballad for a Mad Girl (due out in March 2017) and can tell you that it’s spine-chillingly awesome.

I’ve also been watching:


queen-south westworld the-walking-dead-season-7_0

(Jury is still out on whether I’m going to see out this season of Walking Dead after that first episode. I may not forgive the writers for that one.)

Okay, that’s it for me for now.











What I’ve been reading

It’s been a while since I’ve posted about what I’ve been reading, so I thought I’d rectify that.

I’ve managed to squeeze in a bit of recreational reading in between line edits for Shimmer (less than three months until release!) and progressing further on the first draft of Burn.

Here are my favourites from the past few months. It’s an eclectic bunch. Click on the cover to  read my thoughts on Goodreads (some recommendations are more comprehensive than others!).

Burial RitesBitter Wash RoadImpossible KnifeShe is not invisible

AllegiantThese Broken Stars5th Wave

Siege and StormPeacemakerDisapearance of Ember CrowColdest girl


What have you guys been reading and loving lately?

Extremely good and incredibly original

Last night I finished Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. Still can’t get it out of my head. I may have cried once or twice while reading it… I’ve written a few more thoughts about it on Goodreads:


Louise Cusack's trilogy set for ebook launch

Congratulations to fellow Queensland writer Louise Cusack for the upcoming release of her fantasy trilogy Shadow Through Time as ebooks with Pan Macmillan (only $5.33!).

The three novels, Destiny of the Light, Daughter of the Dark and Glimmer in the Maelstrom were originally released a decade ago in print and were popular with readers who like a bit of romance with their fantasy adventures. I interviewed Louise back in my days as a journo and read (and enjoyed!) the books. Louise has been a long-time supporter of other writers, providing mentoring and manuscript assessments, and it’s great to see these books get a new lease on life.

The ebooks are now available for presale on Amazon Kindle and within the next few days they’ll also be available in other ebook stores.  The official release date is February 15.

Find out more about the books here:

If you haven’t read this series, start with Destiny of the Light (find it on Amazon).

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About Me

I’m the author of the Rephaim series and The Undercurrent.

For my day job, I’m a writer-journalist-professional communicator, where my writing involves a lot less profanity.

I grew up in regional South Australia and now live in the Scenic Rim with my husband and a retired greyhound.

If you’re interested in how I came to land a publishing deal, you can read the short version in this post from August 2011. There’s a longer version (in a guest post) here.

Paula Weston

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