Haze (The Rephaim Book II)

Gaby Winters’ life used to be pretty normal. She lived with her best friend. She worked in a library. She was slowly getting over the death of her twin brother, Jude. And then Rafa came looking for her.
With him, her blood-soaked nightmares stopped. But now they are reality. She is one of the Rephaim—a wingless half angel, descended from the Fallen. Demons exist and they are hunting for her.
All of which is still keeping her up at night. But she knows she’s alive when she’s meant to be dead. And that means maybe Jude is too.
So why isn’t she out there looking for him?

‘Aussie author Paula Weston’s hip urban fantasy debut Shadows was a triumph – but could she back it up in its sequel? Hell yeah. ..Haze may be even better than Shadows.

Adelaide Advertiser

‘I loved Haze even more than Shadows…I read this within a 24 hour period, finishing it at 4am. Those are the kind of reading memories I love, being so into a book I cannot turn my light out until I turn that last bittersweet page.’


‘Haze has a magical quality to it; utterly enthralling and addictive… It’s quite possibly my favourite of all the urban fantasy/paranormal series out there.’

Wondrous Reads

‘I love how the story moves forward, how it builds upon what we had before. It’s the whole series that has grown on me, it’s the pack of characters that I love and the action that keeps me reading and reading and waiting for more.’

Reading After Midnight

‘“Angels. They’re so 2009.” Said nobody. Ever. After reading this book.’

Mostly Reading YA

I love this series. It’s one of the best (THE best?) angel-themed series available now, and it’s Australian to boot! Paula Weston has created a vivid world, dimensional characters, and a riveting plot line in The Rephaim. I strongly urge everyone to read these books.

Speculating on Spec Fic

‘I didn’t think It could get better but it did. Haze had the amazing essence of Shadows but just knocked up another level.’

Dark Readers

‘I devoured Haze in one day. I was up until 1am to finish it. It is that good! Weston is a pro when it comes to creating tension on the page.’

‘If you’re looking for something amazing in the paranormal / fantasy genre then this series should be on top of your list.’

Fic Fare


  • Australia and New Zealand (Text Publishing)
  • United Kingdom (Indigo Books – Hachette Children’s Group)
  • Canada & United States (Tundra Books/Random House Canada)
  • Turkey (Turkish)  (Yabanci Yayinlari)
  • Everywhere else (English language): check your local book stores or try Amazon (for hard copy and kindle editions)

The book trailer (from 2013)…


  1. Caroline (CB) Bender says:

    Wow!!! This is so amazing! THE Paula Weston responded to MY comment! Thank you so much!

    – Caroline Bender

  2. Caroline (CB) Bender says:

    Hi Paula!

    I really love your books and aspire to be a writer like you one day! Thank you for writing!

    – Caroline Bender

    1. paulaweston says:

      Thank you 🙂 All the best with your writing!

  3. I have to wait till September! This is going to be a long summer..

  4. Hi Paula, I’m the photographer / and model of Haze’s cover haha, I’ve been dying to get a copy of the book, is there a way I could buy one from you? I hope I can get in touch with you, loved the first book.

    Eduardo Acierno
    http://www.eduardoacierno.com 🙂

    1. paulaweston says:

      Seriously? That’s awesome! Depending on where you are in the world, your easiest option is probably to buy direct from my Australia publisher (http://textpublishing.com.au/books-and-authors/book/haze/). (The UK version is available in many countries and the US/Canadian version is out in September this year.) Hope that helps. And thanks for ‘being’ Rafa. 🙂

    2. paulaweston says:

      And beautiful photography by the way. 🙂

  5. Alexis W. says:

    Hey Paula.

    I’ve read shadow and I can’t tell you how much I LOVE it. I have read probably every book about angels out there and this one tops them all . I only wish the Haze book wasn’t so far away in the U.S . I wish I was able to read it now!! Anyways, I hope you know that you’ve inspired me to start writing my own book. I hope one day I can become half the author you are. Thank you so much again for an amazing book .

    Yours truly,

    Alexis W.

    1. paulaweston says:

      Hey Alexis,
      Thanks so much for the comment – I really appreciate it. And I hope Haze is worth the wait. 🙂
      Good luck with your writing!

  6. Sheyenne says:

    Hi Paula,
    I just finished Shadows and it was amazing! It’s become my favorite fantasy book. I’m a US fan and I see that Haze won’t be out until next year here. Is there a site where I can order it now and get it shipped here?

    1. paulaweston says:

      Hi Sheyenne,
      I’ve just seen that I didn’t reply to this last year. Profuse apologies! Generally, I like to encourage people to support my publishers in their part of the world, but if you really can’t wait (and you may have already sorted this by now given how late I’m responding), you can always try my Australian publisher: http://textpublishing.com.au/books-and-authors/book/haze/ as I know they do ship internationally. Be aware the Australian (and UK) versions are paperback though, not hard cover like your copy of Shadows. 🙂

      1. Sheyenne says:

        You sent me an email instead. But thanks again I ordered mine from textpublishing and it was amazing! I can’t wait for the next book.

      2. paulaweston says:

        Oh that’s good (and now I remember!). I thought I’d been very remiss. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed Haze.

  7. Stephanie masters says:

    Hey Paula,
    Thought I’d leave a somewhat official testimony here for you.

    I read Haze over three nights and absolutely loved it, everything you promised you delivered and more. There was action, romance, witty dialogue and I still love that it is such a realistic vision of Australian culture – love Joffa and Woosha!

    I cannot wait for Shimmer for more of your fantastic writing – all the best with getting it ready.


    1. paulaweston says:

      Thanks Steph! :The Butler brothers and the lads are favourites of mine too. 🙂

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About Me

I’m the author of the Rephaim series and The Undercurrent.

For my day job, I’m a writer-journalist-professional communicator, where my writing involves a lot less profanity.

I grew up in regional South Australia and now live in the Scenic Rim with my husband and a retired greyhound.

If you’re interested in how I came to land a publishing deal, you can read the short version in this post from August 2011. There’s a longer version (in a guest post) here.

Paula Weston

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