Come say hi at Supanova (Gold Coast): 17-19 April

Milestone moment: I’m on the same program as Spike and Cordelia from Buffy and Angel.

SupanovaOkay, I’ll probably be lucky to catch a glimpse of James Marsters and Charisma Carpenter across the green room, but still. I’m ridiculously excited to be a part of Supanova on the Gold Coast (17-19 April).

I’m in the literary line-up and, as well as hanging out to sign books, catching the cosplay action and star-spotting, I’ll be on a panel with Marianne de Pierres and Alan Baxter. As most of you know, Marianne is one of my favourite people, so I’m really looking forward to chatting with her panel-style. (I haven’t met Alan, but he seems like a pretty cool guy).

It’s such a great line-up all-round (Traci Harding, Kim Wilkins and Justin Woolley among the writers, George Takei and Nichelle Nichols from Star Trek, Tommy Flanagan from Sons of Anarchy and Willa Holland from Arrow among the headliners).

So, if you’re heading along to Supanova on the Gold Coast, make sure you come and say hi!

Here’s the program

Supanova banner



  1. Hi Paula, I was honoured to participate in Supanova last year on the Gold Coast, and before that at Brisbane, and from a writer’s perspective, it is a fantastic event. Not only do you meet your precious readers, and you will have them lining up around the corner to sign your amazing books, but you will be sitting and chatting to fellow writers and meeting the wonderful volunteers. I had the pleasure to be sitting beside Isobelle Carmody last year and it was an absolute joy as we watched the amazing parade of incredible costumes walking past.
    All the best

    1. paulaweston says:

      Thanks Marianne. I’m really looking forward to the experience. 🙂

  2. Scott Walker says:

    As if I wouldn’t come to this. A chance to chat with a future literary giant? Can’t wait.

    1. paulaweston says:

      You’re hilarious. Who are you coming as?

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About Me

I’m the author of the Rephaim series and The Undercurrent.

For my day job, I’m a writer-journalist-professional communicator, where my writing involves a lot less profanity.

I grew up in regional South Australia and now live in the Scenic Rim with my husband and a retired greyhound.

If you’re interested in how I came to land a publishing deal, you can read the short version in this post from August 2011. There’s a longer version (in a guest post) here.

Paula Weston

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